Below piece does a few things. It's useful if you are using Camel DSL like me. The explanation is in the form of comment below.
<!-- Bean instantiation of Sql Server driver which will be referenced by below DSL -->
<bean id="sqlServerDS"
<property name="driverClassName" value="${mssql.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${mssql.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${mssql.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${mssql.password}" />
<!-- Setting up camel endpoint for XSLT which will be used to transform the received XML into another XML -->
<camel:endpoint id="someXSLT" uri="xslt:file://${xslt.location}/someXSLT.xslt"/>
<!-- Setting up File endpoint to output the generated output flat file -->
<camel:endpoint id="InformationFile" uri="file://?fileName=${output.location}/$simple{file:name}&fileExist=Append"/>
<!-- Camel Route starts -->
<camel:route id="LalaLand">
<!-- Listening to someQueue which has been setup in ActiveMq -->
<camel:from uri="tcpActivemq:queue:someQueue"/>
<!-- transform the Xml picked up from someQueue using someXSLT -->
<camel:to ref="someXSLT"/>
<!-- define file name for the output file and stores it in Header -->
<camel:setHeader headerName="CamelFileName">
<camel:xpath resultType="java.lang.String">concat('somefile_', //code, '.txt') </camel:xpath>
<!-- logging -->
<camel:log message="SPLIT BEGINS" loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="lalaland" />
<!-- Split the Xml transformed by someXSLT into lines -->
<camel:setHeader headerName="ctcRef">
<camel:xpath resultType="java.lang.String">//contactRef</camel:xpath>
<!- The payload will lose in the next section so needs to store the original message -->
<camel:setProperty propertyName="oriMessage">
<!-- if header variable ctcRef is not empty, Camel DSL will call 3 SQL to finally get the Date Of Birth, which is the requirement of this. Why 3 Sql? Because over here it does not support JOIN query -->
<camel:simple>${header.ctcRef} != ''</camel:simple>
<camel:to uri="sql:SELECT ID FROM CONTACTS WHERE CONTACTREF = :#ctcRef;?dataSource=sqlServerDS" />
<camel:log message="body: ${body[0].get('ID')} " loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="com.experian" />
<camel:setHeader headerName="contactId">
<camel:log message="contactId: ${header.contactId} " loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="com.experian" />
<camel:to uri="sql:SELECT ACCOUNTID FROM ACCOUNTCONTACTS WHERE CONTACTTYPEID = 102 AND CONTACTID = :#contactId;?dataSource=sqlServerDS" />
<camel:setHeader headerName="accountId">
<camel:log message="accountId: ${header.accountId} " loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="com.experian" />
<camel:to uri="sql:SELECT CONVERT(varchar,DATE_OF_BIRTH,23) AS DOB FROM CS_PERSON WHERE ACCOUNTS1 = :#accountId;?dataSource=sqlServerDS" />
<!-- Store Date Of Birth in Header -->
<camel:setProperty propertyName="dob">
<camel:log message="dob: ${header.dob} " loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="com.experian" />
<!-- Set the Body back with the original payload stored above -->
<!-- Retrieves field value using xpath, add the dob from Header, and print in one line -->
<camel:xpath resultType="java.lang.String">concat(//accountRef, '|', //contactRef, '|', //title, '|', //givenName, '|', //middleName, '|', //familyName, '|', ${header.dob}, '
<!- The below will be executed after last line by checking based on CamelSplitComplete from Header -->
<camel:simple>${header.CamelSplitComplete} == true</camel:simple>
<!-- Below will add below wordings and number of records based on CamelSplitSize from Header to the output flat file -->
<camel:simple>adding new line here ${header.CamelSplitSize} </camel:simple>
<!- content will be output to a physical file -->
<camel:to ref="someFile"/>
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