Thursday, April 23, 2015

Oracle SOA Composite SCAC-50012 error during Build

Earlier on my head was spinning for trying to resolve this SCAC-50012 error. JDeveloper throws out this error while building the SOA Composite. 

The compiler suggests me to go to a specific location for the scac.log file. It said the log should contain the detail for the error. 

Well yes there is error detail in the log. It says "could not initialize variable" and "the schema processor cannot find the element " blar blar. So I go ahead and check the blar blar WSDLs + XSDs. They all look perfect. So what the fuck is going on?

So I started all the "long troubleshooting process" which basically means multiple times of "Trial and Error". I removed this WSDL reference, removed that "Invoke Activity". For each change I will compile the whole thing. So I repeated this for every change. Just to narrow down where exactly has gone wrong. 

I did not perform all this in one day as I have other higher priority tasks to take care of. But on and off I will come back to this one as this problem slowly becomes a needle that keeps poking me every time the user asking for an enhancement for this particular SOA Composite. 

So today finally I managed to 'gotcha' the culprit that caused this bloody issue. It is due to the reference to a specific XSD in one of the WSDLs consumed by my SOA Composite is invalid. 

Lesson learnt. Next time the same issue comes to you, please don't "TRUST" the scac.log file. Just examine every WSDLs or XSDs in your Project. Some references may be invalid already.

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