Friday, February 16, 2007

Web Service at JRun 4

Would like to share my way of developing web service & testing it at JRun4 Web Server. I assume you know the concept of web service as this tutorial is specific to web service running on JRun web server. Also i assume you have already known how to use the Eclipse Web Service function which allows you to generate web service related files within a few seconds.

  1. To publish a web service at JRun 4 is very simple, what you need to do is to only create the "wsdd"(web service deployment descriptor) file and place it under your "PROJECT_HOME/WEB-INF/" folder.
  2. Start JRun server for your project. Create WSDL file by just running your project's web service's URL appended with '?WSDL'. For e.g (http://localhost:8103/services/ProgramWs?WSDL). For this case, "http://localhost:8103/services/ProgramWs" is the path to test the validity of web service ProgramWs.
  3. Using the generated WSDL file, go to command prompt, go to your WSDL location, run this command (before that, make sure that you have set JRUN_HOME/bin to your environment path) wsdl2java xxx.wsdl d:/ where xxx.wsdl is your wsdl file while d:/ is the output directory of the generated java classes. Thus, the bean object will be generated. What you need to do now is to replace your original bean object with it. For e.g. Your web service is about to get all programs of an institution, you will have a "getPrograms()" method which returns an array of Program bean object. So just replace this Program object with the auto-generated one which contains additional code for the web services.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Wanna try these frameworks out

I hope within the next few months i will be able to try these technologies out:

1)Ajax Framework - After doing some research, i found out combination of scriptaulous with Prototype.js is the best Ajax Framework on market so far, even better than Google GWT, amazing ha!

2)Business Logic & ORM framework - EJB 3.0: This framework has reduced the complexity for developers thus started to gain back popularity among the java developers esp. those who are keen on using Spring + Hibernate now. The advent of Java 5 has indirectly sped up the birth of this framework, hope by using it can really ease my job, hihi.

3)Web Framework - Struts is getting obsolete and outdated already. So far it is the most successful web framework. There is a group of its followers are still figuring out how to push it further forward (currently known as Struts TI). I still got hope in this framework.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Have come across something called DOJO. Wow, it's excellent. It's a combination of HTML/Javascript/CSS/images & etc component used to build the Web Pages. What differs it from the JSF or Tapestry is all these components can be used or customised at front end only using the power of Ajax! Wow! I hope this DOJO framework will grow mature in the near future so i can enjoy the mass reduce of time due to its advent. It is really a big bomb for the Web 2.0 era!

Hereby i take one of the example as shown below:

Friday, November 10, 2006

Agile Software Development VS Waterfall Model

Always there is an argument on what should be the best way of developing software within the time given and with less conflicts & issues on customer's requirement. My company has been adopting a 4-step enhanced SDLC methodology which belongs to waterfall model all the while. I have no comment on the result of this methodology but i can tell you what happen to one of our recent project. It was originally scheduled to be running live on around 3rd quarter of year 2006. However, it hab been delayed and the UAT might take > 6 months to finish. This project was officially started on May 2005 and part of its function/module had already been completed before that as a matter of assuring customer that we are able to work well on it. So what can you see with the current methodology applied?

Below is the excerpt from Wikipedia for the definition of Agile Software Development:

Some of the principles behind the Agile Manifesto are:

  • Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software
  • Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
  • Working software is the principal measure of progress.
  • Even late changes in requirements are welcomed.
  • Close, daily, cooperation between business people and developers
  • Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
  • Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
  • Simplicity
  • Self-organizing teams
  • Regular adaptation to changing circumstances
Suitability of Agile methods:
  • The culture of the organization must be supportive of negotiation
  • People must be trusted
  • Fewer but more competent people
  • Organizations must live with the decisions developers make
  • Organizations need to have an environment that facilitates rapid communication between team members
  • lack of structure and necessary documentation
  • only works with senior-level developers
  • incorporates insufficient software design
  • requires too much cultural change to adopt
  • can lead to more difficult contractual negotiations
Agile Methods: