I hope within the next few months i will be able to try these technologies out:
1)Ajax Framework - After doing some research, i found out combination of scriptaulous with Prototype.js is the best Ajax Framework on market so far, even better than Google GWT, amazing ha!
2)Business Logic & ORM framework - EJB 3.0: This framework has reduced the complexity for developers thus started to gain back popularity among the java developers esp. those who are keen on using Spring + Hibernate now. The advent of Java 5 has indirectly sped up the birth of this framework, hope by using it can really ease my job, hihi.
3)Web Framework - Struts is getting obsolete and outdated already. So far it is the most successful web framework. There is a group of its followers are still figuring out how to push it further forward (currently known as Struts TI). I still got hope in this framework.