For the past two weeks i had been very busy with building web services using java 1.4. Bad thing was i had to deploy them on Websphere Process Server 6.0,
I had no problem building the web services using Rational Software Architect(RSA). I tested my work by deploying to Websphere Application Server 6.1 runtime that comes together with the RSA. Everything was working fine.
However i started to have a lot of headaches while trying to deploy these web services by using Websphere Admin Consle to Websphere Process Server 6.0.2 which is running on a remote server. My web service application just could not start!
After trying out several solutions, in the end i migrated my source codes to Websphere Integration Developer 6.0(WID). I regenerated every web service related deployment configuration files and proxy classes by using WID.
This time my web service application started successfully! Well the next problem was it was unable to get database connection! It took me quite some time to figure out what's wrong with it and finally i realized that i had to get the JDBC connection from the WPS itself instead of creating my own OracleDataSource cache.
I created all JDBC connection that the web service applications needs by using the Websphere Admin Console. I also changed my code to get the JDBC connection via JNDI.
The method is simple. Just create a default initialContext, then within the context, get your JDBC connection by name like "JDBC/MyDB" will do.